
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Great House Help Project! Part 1

Hey hey hey!
(It's faaaaattt Albert)
So many people like to make houses? Well, I am doing this post for Housing101 but hey why not help you guys!
I have been making a lot of houses lately and have been working on other "experiments" in housing. The spiral has a lot of different views and designs/layouts, you may not know this, but these can be brought into your houses!

Now making houses with themes of "Wizard City" Or "Krokotopia" aren't good but you can add them into you themes like "Krokotopian Exploration" Or "Grizzleheim Outpost" SOOO, LETS BEGIN!


The Krokotopian/Marlybonian digsite scenery is found in the royal hall. They are actually easy to make.
For the reinforced crates to use this way to float your rugs, if you didn't already know how: Floating Rugs
  • One krokotopian tent, small one from Meowiarty and large one from Stoker #2
  • Three reinforced crates
  • One small wooden table
  • One folding stool
  • One stone bowl (Not necessary, but if you want more detail)
  • Two shovels/worn shovels
  • One long broken wall
  • Two wooden barrels
  • One floor torch
  • One tactical map


This one is one of my favorites. I love marlybone! This one is very simple and great if you have a low budget, it only costs around 1000-1500 gold! For this glitch you have to use this method, most people don't know this glitch- check it out: SUPER HOUSING ITEMS!
  • Street lamp- MB housing shop
  • Marlybonian street sign- Old Smokey, Ironworks

This glitch I found in Shirataki Temple, floating paper lanterns onto Torii's/arches. Once again, another simple glitch just need to use this glitch again: how to float rugs
  • Any torii's from Mooshu, blue stone toriis, crimson torii, etc. etc.
  • One or more paper lanterns

This glitch isn't a glitch at all. You don't even need to glitch! It looks nice at the large Dragonspyre house in the center outside.
  • Dragonspyre statue base
  • Headmaster statue
  • Dragonspyre platform

Sorry that I haven't done Wizard City, still working on a way to make this work! Thanks for reading!

Till next time
Happy Wizarding!

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