Well, hooooooowwdy!
So today at about 6:20 PM eastern time, if the day I created this site! I have been happy designing through different templates and then landing with one that looks like Friendly's except with storm colors. So I just wanted to let you know about some rules and things that will happen at the party! So first things first, RULES >:D
1). No cursing, no inappropiate material, no bullying, no insults. The standard busneiss. Just have a good time!
2). Don't tell a friend to leave (Unless they are doing something wrong). The more the merrier!
3). Give me a card or two. And I will give you somethings too :D!
4). You get what you get and you don't get upset -_-
Now unto the things we will do. My birthday party was great last year! We had that wizard duel battleground thing. I loved that. And this year we don't have anything like that. So we will do something like in Harry Potter, the forest battle. We will just pretend to cast things. Dat was fun. And another activity is GIFTING AND "Trading" CARDS WITH ME >:D! MOO HAHAHAHA! Mooshu spirit! ;D
So if you need the times again, here they are
Pickup time starts at 2:00-2:30 eastern, 1:00-1:30 central, 12:00-12:30 mountain, and 11:00-11:30 Pacific time.
So today at about 6:20 PM eastern time, if the day I created this site! I have been happy designing through different templates and then landing with one that looks like Friendly's except with storm colors. So I just wanted to let you know about some rules and things that will happen at the party! So first things first, RULES >:D
1). No cursing, no inappropiate material, no bullying, no insults. The standard busneiss. Just have a good time!
2). Don't tell a friend to leave (Unless they are doing something wrong). The more the merrier!
3). Give me a card or two. And I will give you somethings too :D!
4). You get what you get and you don't get upset -_-
Now unto the things we will do. My birthday party was great last year! We had that wizard duel battleground thing. I loved that. And this year we don't have anything like that. So we will do something like in Harry Potter, the forest battle. We will just pretend to cast things. Dat was fun. And another activity is GIFTING AND "Trading" CARDS WITH ME >:D! MOO HAHAHAHA! Mooshu spirit! ;D
So if you need the times again, here they are
Pickup time starts at 2:00-2:30 eastern, 1:00-1:30 central, 12:00-12:30 mountain, and 11:00-11:30 Pacific time.
Date- Today the 22nd of July
Pickup location- In ravenwood next to Torrence
Realm- Torrence and backup is Wu
Area- 1 (DUH!)
So come on! :D
Till next time
Till next time
Happy Wizarding!