
Friday, August 12, 2011

New houses! (Yes, this post does have pictures!)

So Kingsisle just made 2 new houses on test realm! Woot! They are....amazing! I logged into test and checked these out! Here is the first, THE WIZARDS WATCHTOWER! My impression...WOAH! I love the whole theme! It is amazing! We can kind of see how Wizard City is at night!  I really want that house! Next up, which everyone wanted, UNDERWATER PALACE! Woah! Though sadly, you can't place anything in the water! MEEP!! But it is a dream come true for everyone!

Till next time
Happy Wizarding!


  1. Ahola? Ahola? Did you take my word. YAY!!! I have started a trend, unless you made a typo!?-Fin

  2. YESSS!!!!! How do you get them? Are they crowns, gold, or crafted? My guess is crafted....

  3. @FinandQuinn Oh, I didn't know that was your saying XD! I just say random ways to say hi; Hola Mochacho's/Mochacha's, Hey hey hey (It's faaaatt Albert!), Hey randolf! *What do *You* want?!* -Slaps- MEANIE!, Etc.

    @Malorn Ghostrider they are crowns; 10,000 crowns and 100,000 gold

    ~Vanessa (Comment process is crazy again so I am anonymous)

  4. Awesome. I just spent the last hour getting 100,000 gold for it when it comes out on real realm.

  5. You were featured on Friendly's blog! :D (This post in particular)
